When you don't complain people think you're okay

When you’re really struggling internally? Doesn’t this bother you?


Not really. People explained away and ignored the signs of issues my entire life. It was so pervasive, I thought that everyone experienced things like me but we just weren’t supposed to talk about it. Only in past couple years have I learned what’s going on with me. So, I’ve had to rely on myself most of the time.

About a year before the pandemic started, I was having more trouble at work and my home life was declining. My stress skyrocketed and with no outlet my hallucinations got really bad. However, one of my friends that knows what’s going on mentioned that the very things that I had to learn throughout my life, on my own, were some of the very characteristics that have gotten me as far as I have.

I didn’t complain (well, not too much) and people thought I was okay. When I really needed it, I really complained and the person I complained to believed me and helped me. She continues to do so.

I think people get caught up in their own lives and don’t look to help other people either because they are barely holding on themselves or because they don’t want to meddle where they may not belong. I can’t fault them for that. I also think that many people don’t want to believe a person they know well (or their child) has mental health issues. There were a lot of people that overlooked me: friends, family, even psychologists. They see what they expect to see.

That’s my experience with it at least.

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Everyone wants you to fake it for their sake. As long as everyone’s smiling everything is alright!!


Who says I want others knowing the details of my problems? I’m okay with them thinking I’m okay.


Sometimes. But sometimes I want people to think I’m ok so I don’t have to talk about it.


I really enjoy opening up about my problems personally, as long as i know the other person can deal with it well. If i dont then they will keep bothering me and make my psychosis worse.


I get stressed because the last time I told my dad I was diagnosed with psychosis, he immediately didn’t want me around the family anymore. It was really hard on me.

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I am ok if I don’t complain :wink:


Everyone seems to only want the fake fake fake. They don’t care truly. It’s all a hot and tangled mess.

No one seems genuine in my life. I used to know or thought I used to know genuine people. Now, not so much.

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It’s the old thing: people greet each other: “how you doin’?” They don’t ACTUALLY want to know how you’re really doing, it’s just a figure of speech.


It doesn’t bother me. I don’t really complain about much

It only bothers me occasionally. Wearing a mask is normal. If everyone explained their problems all of the time, we’d never get anything done!

Are you on meds @flowers20 ?

My family is like this. And then when I have symptoms they get angry or say “why didn’t you tell us?”. Well…it was a tradition to bottle things up in my family. How do they expect me to tell anyone?

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@anon10648258 I’m glad they want you to talk about it. That sounds nice. :relieved:

Complaining for me was pointless as nobody cared and even if they did, there was nothing they could do.


Yes I’m on meds.

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That’s what I think too!


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