As above folks, thoughts?
I threw one out a window once at an abandoned house. That was fun.
Ive peed a few times today havent had my daily ■■■■ yet tho, why do you ask?
did you ever look at the log in the toilet before you flush it?
its part of life ain’t it???
There was this friend in high school who said once that you had to look at what you produced before flushing it. Lol. I always think about that.
i guess this thread is lol
ever laugh zeke?
nope, never 1212
What is this toilet you speak of?
Bap App everyday!
This site,
I went for a pee about 15 mins ago. I’m in bed now and won’t go again until the morning
3 a day keeps the doctor away?
The last time I needed to.
(Seriously, you need to know my bathroom habits? d000d.)
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