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More than 20 years ago i think.my good days were really rare even when i was child
Once you come to terms with sz and taking meds every day there will be something good to cheer about. Acceptance is the key here.
Sending a virtual hug
Of right meds, the wrong ones make it worse.
All aps have good and bad effects. For me olabzipine has been working very well.
Enjoying a cuppa and feeling pretty darn good right now.
Eventhough I’m a mess I feel alright today
Oh, I would say i seldom feel good and it’s been this way about 15 years
I choose to feel good every day
An hour ago I felt like crap and now I feel good
Feb of 2014, had a really good job after a while of not being able to work from a head injury, just months before my journey down psychosis lane and sz boulevard.
Yesterday. 15151515
Depends on what you mean by good. I feel best these days since having sz but not as good as before sz.
@Yellowdiamond You didn’t vote
One week ago.fifteen.
Oh why? Hopefully you’ll feel good soon.
Went bowling fifteen
I feel pretty good now just have alot of worries and fears on my plate
I felt good last week. Sunday. Now I feel like bleh warmed over.