When or how do you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend you are schizo?

I have met a very attractive guy that happens to be a very well off business man and he likes me. I don’t want to tell him I have schizophrenia but I am sure sooner or later he eill see me take my meds. What do I do? Wont it scare him away? I have no symptoms nor a mood disorder. Ty

Tell him you have something personal to tell him, and just tell him, if he reacts badly than you wouldn’t want a relationship with him anyway.


I told my husband on date 3

another guy was pretty angry I hadn’t told him for 6 months

my husband was a genuine nice guy and another guy wasn’t .

I told my husband because I couldn’t say much more without lying quite badly and i gave that as a reason

I think the sooner the better, but not before you have a small amount of mutual appreciation

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I just think, make sure he knows who you are aside from sz so that the sz isn’t your whole identity. If he already knows you’re personality, etc., and then you add on sz, it is only a part of you, as it should be.