my neighbor is always planting new trees in his yard, but he always goes with a decidous tree with no fruit. i guess he’s in it for the fall colors when the leaves change, but me i would always choose something i can enjoy for food like a cherry, apple, plum, peach, or even a hazelnut tree. im all about having more fresh food. i don’t understand the tendency to plant spring blooming or fall leave changing trees. even my fruit trees would have a spring bloom before they bear fruit.
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My parents neighbors graft fruit trees. Apricots. Peaches, etc…
I’m not sure how it works. But I once had a peach that he gave us and it was the best peach I’ve ever had in my life. No ■■■■…
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mom has a peach tree. it probably produces 100 peaches a year maybe a little less. just one tree. i want to plant a bunch of cherry trees. they need a pollinator though.
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