When is a Mentally Disordered Person Dangerous?


I was becoming increasingly dangerous to myself and others during my last psychotic break in 2016.
Yes I was that paranoid.


I was a nightmare when i was prodromal. I was classed as medium risk to probation.

Years ago now.

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Converting something mental into a firm action is not so easy. Its not done by thinking it over and over.
It is a difficult threshold to pass.

Danger can happen when you become unpredictable in deep psychosis and your thoughts are your guide and all over the place.


Yes, I’d agree with this.

I was never dangerous to anybody but myself.

I know I can’t speak for everyone though.


Well, back in 2008 when I was unmedicated, I threatened to burn the house down and vandalized my mom’s car. She had the County Deputies put me out of her house, and I was homeless. I ended up in the psych ward at the hospital, then was accepted into my current psychiatric program and transitional housing.


Ä° m paranoid type of sz but i never attend violence.lately i m %100 free of delusion and paranoias with 9mg invega.but i can relate the article.paranoias are pure reason for violent thoughts and it must be completely treated


What’s also dangerous is if you become impulsive and angry. Like I had to keep my distance sometimes because I had visions beforehand of what I was going to do that could become impulses.

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I have a 35 year history of Sz and was very rarely dangerous. I’m pretty timid and tame. I think what saved me was not having played team sports in school, I think team sports encourages aggression.

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When he hasn’t had his morning coffee.


Before I got properly medicated I was extremely twitchy and would go off with seemingly little provocation. I pretty much isolated myself to keep from getting in trouble. I’ve only been in minimum contact with the cops since 2011, and hope to keep it that way.


I took my voices to court and it worked but it opened up a Pandora’s box.


I struggled a lot with homicidal ideation. It was all I thought about for a good while. My meds keep that at bay and it only comes out if I am highly stressed out. Recently it peeked through because my aunt was yelling at my grandmother and made me angry. I live with both of them along with my dad and cousin. She’s pretty toxic so I try to keep it in check and am honest with my care team when it does happen.

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When is a dangerous person mentally disordered? The legal definition is when they don’t know what they are doing is wrong.

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When are “non-mentally ill” people, Not Dangerous? Answer that question first…


An interesting question some considerations are with the ability to spread dangerous diseases, operating heavy machinery such as cars and trucks, and following the norms that create environmental destruction non-mentally ill people can be considered very dangerous almost all the time

Where did all the mini-trucks go?

I think they are popular in asia

Why are $50,000 “suburban assault vehicles” that get 14 MPG so popular where I live and they don’t even use them for work, just to commute?