When in doubt, shut it down

You know that’s the way it is with people. They get out of hand.

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@Daze Always best to say what you think and keep it clear and concise.

It doesn’t matter either way but please keep things civil and supportive. I would love to help you out and you’ll find others here who will help you know end. It’s not bad to ask for help but stop the swearing and just be cool. There’s bigger fish to fry I’d imagine…


Once I had the mind police encrypt an actual action. Imagine me being so artificially inseminated.

Not sure the reference but there’s no mind police. Just people trying to maintain some order. It can go pear shaped pretty quickly around here and from a short time in office I can attend to that.

Your a long time member here. You could focus on helping others and thus getting some enjoyment. You could even learn some lessons for yourself. Just don’t bust everyone’s balls saying it’s not fair because from what I’ve seen in a short space of time is that it’s pretty bloody fair around here.