…it seemed to be the impression that there was no cure for SZ
Now, a decade after some pretty heavy thinking…
-Imagine the main cause is the unsolicited voices and visions causing confusion and alarm
-Now lets say said phenomena is result of a crossing of wires we are all connected too so that we are, sometimes, accidentally seeing with others eyes or hearing with others ears.
-The others we accidentally cross wires with have no relevance to us other than that they too are in a contiguous or partially asleep mental state allowing more ‘noise’ than the normal waking conscious would.
-Now lets say those accidental connections are a result of too many receiving cells in the brain allowing for an excess of connections or much thicker connections.
-That excess of cells a result of the brain being overactive and…
…finally the brain being overactive because of anxiety resulting from lack of cognitive control, diet, lifestyle and one’s current life situation which may be full of hurt and hardship.
If one were to work backwards through my above bullets wouldn’t a cure be to remove the inflicted from their hardship and help them make a better diet and lifestyle choice and then offer cognitive practices (ie; Mom passed away two years ago however death is natural and we have no prove that we will never see each other again VS Mom passed away two years ago and I spend the first ten minutes of my day sitting at her dressing table studying it and it’s contents; left as they were the very last time she used them as I fear she will be gone forever if I don’t maintain her in sentiment no matter how disturbing that sentiment can be)
The only other challenge from there would be existential crisis easily overcome by taking a mature acceptance to the idea that our current existence could potentially have been ‘made’ rather than ‘formed’ and that nothing has changed with that awareness - all is the same as it ever was.
I know what i’ve posted above is a tad convoluted but what I’m trying to demonstrate is that SZ isn’t like a crippled horse you give up on and take out back to shoot - there’s another side and exit to that tunnel it’s just more of a scarier run.
Crazy begets Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theory begets Philosophy
Philosophy begets Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics begets Study and Experimentation
Study and Experimentation begets Science.
That excess of cells a result of the brain being overactive and…
…finally the brain being overactive because of anxiety resulting from lack of cognitive control, diet, lifestyle and one’s current life situation which may be full of hurt and hardship.
When that happens to me Im starting to believe I get dementia or Alzheimer’s because your damaging you brain from blood pressure.
But that’s not all. I do learn about myself and I do feel the cure of schizophrenia is not the plan to be someone else
I overcame my issues without diet or exorcise; in fact allowing myself my hedonistic habits without self-judgement helped me overcome anxiety enough to begin naturally moderating my bad habits.
Drill-Sergeanting yourself is definitely not the way to go when you’ve got so much on your plate already.
HOWEVER often times when the mind plays up it’s because the body is suffering in some way so being fit with a good diet from the start would go a long way in helping.
Also; per your email; (not sure if the notice was referring to two different topics) I can’t speak with the dead - those who believe they do I think are telepathically picking up that information from the deceaseds’ love-ones they are interviewing.
I often times get the notion that most of society around me is one selfish hive entity and gives me grief simply as I prefer to maintain my identity…like the old ‘Satan trying to get your soul’ garbage.
Having said that though; there are many sheep out there who can be easily guided and sold by media. They don’t ever take quiet time out to think about things just a tad bit further.
SZ is a smart man’s disease; part of the anxiety is resulting from being intelligent enough to realize that there is something amiss with the world around us.
However addressing that from a mature standpoint I don’t feel that there is a malevolent design behind the situation. In example; if our world indeed a simulation then such simulations could be used as modern prisons favoring rehabilitation over punishment hence some interactions we have may feel a bit staged. Another theory is a futuristic schooling system and those going down the track we did are studying for science.
I enjoyed your view on things. I can tell you’ve done some inner self work which I think is the only (be it hard) way through it. Many here get voices about Hell, few see this Sz as a chance to actually do the work and stop torturing ones self.
I have a theory that we here (on this board) are all broken from trauma and lost our faith and trust in life. So to trace back to how we got so lost and forgive ourselves and others and see how we could have reacted differently with the end results being to bring peace.
I also think the voices are a mix of spirits (both here and past over) of many levels so that in itself can be confusing - but add to it a our own damaged ego and it becomes a personal torture chamber (but it’s escapable).
We all have triggers (points of pain caused by the past) and overcoming them and not having fear or holding onto pain and anger is the actual key to gaining freedom.
Also it’s all things you allow to enter your body. To gain control is to think about not only the food but also the media consumed.
Faith in moderation
I’ve never had to be drug off swinging because I was adamant I had the answer and everything a conspiracy
But at the same time I learned to prevent myself from going manic; believing that all is entirely good and that positive thinking is the answer to everything.
Either extreme isn’t good.
If all else we need faith only in ourselves - if this world a facade that is exploiting us then it is the caretakers’ shame and not our problem when the smoke finally clears.
All we can do is hold tight to our side of things maintaining our own integrity so as not to lose face; especially to ourselves.
About the voices I am pretty sure the vast majority of interactions are a head game your nervous system is forcing on you.
I have some pretty angry and hateful thoughts that come to me (most people do) but they are not ‘owned’ by me. The thoughts are not being delivered by anything external however. Keeping careful monitor of how my mind synchronized with my environment those angry thoughts usually trip when we are in discomfort…as a stress release. Hunger, fatigue, pain, etc
For instance ever been for a long walk in the sun and want to get home and you notice that for most of the walk your playing back a song in your head? It’s a mental defense attempting to distract you from your current uncomfortable situation.
When you find yourself ‘telepathically’ battling an external party it is us fighting with ourselves. Our own minds fight back so that no pressure can be kept on them; a safety mechanism of sorts.
I believe that the mechanics of the brain are so fragile that ALOT of what is going on in our lives results from our maintenance systems - like nightmares triggered to wake us if we are shutting down in our sleep for instance.
It’s just that some of us, after being frightened by genuine paranormal experience, became a lot more concerned with the every day garbage coming and going in our heads which most people don’t realize is there because they are auto-ignoring it.