Walking on the sidewalks of New York City, I saw a whore. She was all prettied up and I really liked her. Made me want to be one. I don’t think that thought ever left me. Too bad it’s illegal.
I believe that’s the same thing Dolly Parton once said when she was very young. But it wasn’t NYC
Yes, she said her hair and clothing was a copy of the town tramp. I remember her saying that, too.
What’s the equivalent of a male whore ?
A male prostitute is a jiggalo.
Hmm, never mind lol.
Men fall in love with looks so women tend to want to become prostitutes but women fall in love with words so men tend to become …
Fill in the blanks ?
I hope I’m making sense here ? I dunno, going off on a pungent.
One of my best friends was a prostitute in college …
I think you wanted to be done up all the time, not that you wanted to be a whore. No one wants to be a whore
I’d certainly have to deal with all kinds of men.
I’m so sorry, I meant to write tangent.
My roommate in college was an escort.
She was the best roommate I ever had.
She paid her rent on time,
Never brought anybody over,
And we never spoke.
It was awesome.
I was wondering what a pungent is !
Get right up close to a streetwalker and see how pretty, clean and young they really are. A woman in purple hot pants walking down a busy street at night looks appealing at a distance.
Having to have sex with various people all night long every single night isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. Especially for women who are in danger the whole time
Maybe the word “courtesan” has more appeal.
Since I was diagnosed with SZ I thought about becoming a pornstar or a jiaggalo because I was so desperate and lost in life. I was sexy and weighted 135lb all muscle and 19 y.o. I actually wanted to apply for a job on a porn website in Canada equivalant to Bang Bros in the US.
I went to their office and I was told that Mr.X, he was Asian, is not here. They gave me a phone number and an email to contact him but I never did because my mind was instable. I wanted to do nearly all jobs possible. I did 15 different jobs and I only lasted 1-2 weeks because I am unstable. I got a gf, an esthetician, at a club when I was 20.
Now I gave up on work and I am obese 280lb with hypertension, high cholesterol and start of diabetes. I just turned 30.
I wouldn’t live with an escorte. You don’t know what she’s putting in her body. I am scared of STDs and other infections especially escorts that do barebone services. She can also infect you with airborne infections like influenza and corona. Its dirty.
When i was 6 I wanted to work as a rubbish collector. Its so hot to ride on the step on the back of the truck.
They help the environment by recycling.
Words are very important for a woman.
Ikr Mens are biologically attracted to looks while woomens are biologically attracted to words.
Mens are visual while woomens are empathetic.