When I wake up

When I wake up more as in the meds are not being as effective at dumbing me down, I hate psychiatry with a passion.

psychiatry is not to blame for your illness, either are you. It’s just the way it is. If you focused on using psychiatry as a recovery tool you’d do much better, but I guess each one makes their own choices in life.

Never. Recovery to me must mean being off meds. All this bull crap talk about how you work on your recovery everyday for the rest of your life while taking meds is bull crap. Do you think normal people struggle through each day, no they don’t. It’s the meds and you have fell for it all.

Well, from where I’m standing you’re focusing your anger towards psychiatry, but you’re angry because you have this illness. Therapy would help you also, but something tells me you’re not oriented towards that.

I’m planning on getting a psychologist when I start reducing my meds. My delusions involve good and evil which are both very real. Psychiatry is evil, just look at it’s past and even present. Then look at drug development, all the testing on animals with ridiculous sized doses to see the changes psychically in the animal then killing them and dissecting them so you can have your drugs. They must put these animals through hell, I wonder sometimes are they still doing this to people like they have in the past.