When I get my Buzz Cut

Okay, so as you know my hair is falling out and I have ordered a couple of wigs. During my online search I came across this on an american site and thought it was a great idea.

I have ordered one in the blonde colour.


They look pretty realistic!

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I thought so too @Ribbon. Great to just throw on if running to the shop or you can’t be bothered putting on a full wig. Saves so much time.

I think it’s a great idea! You’re going to have so much fun with your hair, playing with wigs. It’s addictive.

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I am still scared @Pandy , but as I said sharing it with you guys has made a huge difference as I have no one else to talk to about it.

Thanks so much for your input.


You’re so welcome!

Here’s your worst case scenario:

You hate it. So you grow your hair back, and find a hairdresser who can help you take care of it.

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