When does reality start to make sense?

Maybe I’m just a late bloomer/schizo but reality really starts to make sense at 30 years old for me. I can say this has been the biggest growth I’ve made any year of my life. I had my return of Saturn this year. As an astrology skeptic/believer also it’s a big time in my life

What was your return of Saturn like

Maybe it wasn’t so good as mine

But in astrology Saturn returns to this point in the sky where you were born at 29 1/2 years and they say at that time you’re supposed to have marked incremental growth in your life It’s been true to me.

Now I am

48 hours sober from weed

Last night wasn’t easy

But woke up this morning feeling amazing


Hey, I am 30 years old aswell, and maybe because the limitations of sz I don´t feel like I´m grown enough, or that I haven´t experienced the same as a normal 30 y.o. person.

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Interesting dreamer

Maybe for me it’s been one of those believe it and itll come true things

But this year I’ve made big strides in overcoming my delusions, I understand the meaning of money a lot more, and the value of society. And things like this. I’m not yet independent but I know what I have to do now to be independent.

Mankind is so amazing to me, last year I wasn’t too pleased with mankind

Honestly I think we’ve handled coronavirus pretty well. It hasn’t been perfect, and I’m guilty of that too, there are a lot of things I would’ve said others and myself to do differently. But I think we’ve handled it pretty decently as a whole

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I’m sorry to say it, but I’m much older and reality no longer makes any sense to me.

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Congrats on getting off if weed! Way to go man! Not an easy thing to do.

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