When does it become a disorder?

I was just doing my BMI, as I have done so every week for the past few months.

Just happened to click on eating disorders, and it looks like I might have this

I have these symptoms:

  • missing meals, eating very little or avoiding eating any foods you see as fattening
  • believing you are fat when you are a healthy weight or underweight

On the page that linked me to it, which initially caught my attention was this:

“when you try to keep your weight as low as possible by not eating enough food, exercising too much, or both”

I have been obsessed with weight loss, and even though I have come so far, I still think I am really overweight when I am not.

My diet I refuse to change, I do a lot of physical work and swimming and I am tiring myself out to try and stop myself from putting on weight.

From my perspective, I need to accept that I have gone from 96 kilos, to 69 kilos as a good thing, but I am afraid I cannot stop there.

I always have in my mind my pre-Olanzapine weight of 59 kilos - which the doctors at the mental hospital I remember were not happy with but I wanted to stay at that weight

What should I do about this, if anything at all?

As you age, it’s normal to have a few extra pounds on you. As you get an adult body, you fill out more so maybe trying to get to a weight from when you were a kid is unrealistic.

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59 kilos - 9 stone is not healthy for a man your age to be aiming for.
Even 69 kilos is pushing it.

You should be eating more. Not less.

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