When does God and the devil get off the forum?

no more star wars for you…lol
take care

Had a sad moment a couple of weeks ago, actually. I volunteer drove a school field trip to a technical college that was near my old Jr. High school in Calgary, AB. I used to hang out at the adjacent mall at lunch time occasionally. More importantly, that mall is where I lined up to watch Star Wars over 40 times during its original theatrical run when I was a kid. Was horrified to discover that not only were my fave places gone (especially the arcade - boohoo), but the theatre was now divided into a clothing store, a drugstore, and a tacky chain restaurant.

That theatre was a shrine! You don’t mess with shrines! Phooey.

I consoled myself in a store selling pop culture items. Scored a couple of Dr. Who TARDIS t-shirts for myself and Da Brat. Also picked her up a Dr. Who TARDIS backpack that went over well with a couple of lads in the local junior high, much to my daughter’s horror.

She could do worse than dating nerds. Just wish they had a theatre they could line up outside on date night. Phooey again.


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i have no words…you saw star wars forty times…you are a legend !?!
wow, my brother left me outside the cinema…even though he had been given money for me to go in…!?!
luckily his friend saw me standing outside and payed for me !!!

dr.who is so cool…mrs. sith and i were going to build a life size replica in our next house…but it would be an actual door way into another room…!! ( well actually another galaxy , far, far away !! )

don’t worry your daughter will come round to the ’ sci fi way of thinking…’
maybe the jedi mind trick or that despicable character…what was his name…’ spock '…i think he had a few neat tricks to persuade someone !!!
she will join you , i have foreseen it…resistance is futile.
take care

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You wouldn’t believe how many K-Mart and Woolco flyers I had to deliver to finance my Star Wars habit! That was before you could buy a copy on VHS for $100 and wear it out. (One of the happiest days of my life when I managed to rent it from the video store and dupe it, lemme tell ya.)


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i am sorry to tell you…that was not a ’ habit ’ …that was an ’ addiction '…lol !?!
i am sure there must be a support group for that…somewhere in the galaxy far, far, away !!
you still have ’ legendary status '.
take care

@jaynebeal I disagree with you, when it comes to the fear religion brings into people, the outlook of looking down (to hell forever) leads to depression hopelessness suicide etc. the option of looking up leads to conflict in behaviors of the person, creating fear parania and delusions. Life with schizophrenia is metaphorically “hell” , life with schizophrenia and religious delusions/ thought processes is literally “hell” ( not downplaying the suffering of either) ***

Yeah, religious dicussions are just a complete piece of poop.

No good ever comes of it.

Only confusion and disagreement, and confusion and disagreement is a piece of poop.

When does God and the devil get off the forum?

I believe they both get off at 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

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Closing this thread since it seems to have run it’s course…