When do legitimate existential concerns turn psychotic?

In my case, always according to the medical establishment, my anxiety over solipsism degenerated into a grandiose delusion. What are your experiences?


A fellow Sz I met in the real world had too much of an influence from The Truman show. We got along since in my psychosis I felt parallels too.

He said he didnā€™t know why no one would challenge him. Ultimately he took a bat to a parked police car window and shattered it. When the cops caught up to him, heā€™s shouted out do you know who I am?). Since he thought he was on tv ā€˜somewhereā€™.

In high school and maybe this is universal there existed something called channel 1. I guess it was current events to start the day in home room. My parallel is that I didnā€™t know why there was no such thing as channel 1 in a prevalent way and actually thought I was on ā€˜channel 1ā€™ somewhere.

I get real bad health anxiety that transfers into grandiose delusions occasionally. Going from oh God Iā€™m going to die to oh, I AM God and immortal.

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My stuff is more agnosticā€¦ I think about Christ(even saw the film ā€˜The case for Christ evenā€™ but itā€™s different.

Helpful for the feminine to know(in such a patriarchal anecdote of history) is that it was a couple of women who claimed his body had moved from the tomb; they had nothing to gain and everything to lose by saying that.

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I think the difference is going from ā€œThis is an interesting idea that I can debate with othersā€ to ā€œI have solved the issue and I am 100% sure this idea is true.ā€

I think itā€™s the lack of doubting that makes it tip over to a delusion but Iā€™m not a doctor. Itā€™s just my understanding.


I agree, alas, while psychotic I didnā€™t believe in my delusion 100%; the docs spoke of ā€œdouble book-keepingā€, making me able to believe and not believe at the same time.

I feel the same, we have common experiences @NotSeksoEmpirico

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