I was told I was approved about ten days ago. How long did it take you from that point to receive your first check?
I will be applying for SSI as soon as I see my doctor on May 3rd. What did they ask you went for a screening that determined if you have sz? I am asking cause i’ve been diagnosed with sz in USA 4 years ago, but then i left to go to Russia and stayed and got treatment in Russia. now i am back to us, so i will be applying again for ssi.
I think you should get a letter telling you when the first payment will be, how much it will be for, what that payment includes (which months, any back pay.)
I’ve mostly dealt with SSDI rather than SSI, so there may be differences I’m not aware of. But in my experience, the payment comes in the month after the award date - you get paid in June for May, etc.
I got paid in 21 days after my award letter for ssi. they didn’t give me any back pay since I was awarded ssi right away.
Well, I felt like slapping a few workers but I would never hit them with my fist.
I wouldn’t exactly call it an award but a necessity.
I’m just using the official term, not handing out ribbons
That’s OK. I wish they didn’t use those terms and it’s hard to come with a replacement I guess. I always hated SSI ever since the SSA official asked how much I had in the bank and said I was limited to $2,000 in assets. It’s not a great system really although I understand the desperate situations that cause you to turn to it.