March 26, 2021, 4:21pm
I mean, like hitting their man,
screaming at him, going crazy on him.
The liberated woman of today
doesn’t know how to be in a relationship.
it could be because of rampant divorce for decades.
with the great exception that my daughter isn’t like this.
What, @naturallycured ?
I’m not going to flag you because I want to know how you got to this way of thinking.
What are you saying?
Women have to be put in their place by men or they have no sense of boundries?
March 26, 2021, 4:40pm
well, arguments happen, to even the best couples,
but it seems like women today are fighting physically.
Ok, put in other words, the pair needs to set boundaries very distinctly or they will run roughshod over eachother argumentatively.
If the man seems like a doormat he’ll be treated like one, also.
I was with a guy that liked to “put me in my place”. Especially when drunk.
Lovely people.
Yeah I’m shocked at how casual it is to video yourself hitting your partner. And not just light hits, there are women who absolutely bludgeon the man
I don’t mean coercively, just very assertively. Poor choice of words perhaps.
I think you don’t have a very high opinion of women.
There is an irrational emotional bent to them that can’t be argued with sometimes. But they are good nurturers.
March 26, 2021, 4:48pm
I think you’re totally right though about boundaries.
I used to get on my son’s teachers for not doing this.
and then they’d just let him destroy the classroom.
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Very poor. It’s an euphemism for beating your partner or belittling them.
Boundaries do need to be set, but actual grown adults can be together without such behavior.
I’ve been with my husband for 2 decades now and we always treat each other with respect. We had rough spots, but never treated the other like children.
And emotional bent?
That’s sexist as hell. Men can be just as childish as any woman.
True. But there’s an impetus for an actualized man to be very logical and cold in the face of adversity.
March 26, 2021, 4:53pm
you know, I don’t think I’ve ever had PMS.
now I’m done with my periods, and also sz. I tend to be flat.
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Actualized men treat everyone with respect. They don’t believe that one sex is different than the other.
What drives people is their upbringing and educational, also environmental factors. Not sex or gender based biases unless driven into them by their upbringing or whatever education they received.
By education I also mean exposure to a lot of trash we see on the internet and reality type programming.
Oy vey,
I’m bowing out of this conversation.
@naturallycured you’re out of touch.
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I mean, the sexes are distinctly different. But an intelligent man sublimates that into his discourse.
Gonna agree with trash TV being an issue though.
March 26, 2021, 4:55pm
I was just thinking that,
especially all the years of Jerry Springer.
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