What's your ultimate Fantasy, with regard to all your circumstances

I think I let mine basically be known to a first cousin… but it does deal with the ending of Citizen Kane, where they take an interest in his life to find out what “Rosebud” meant (his final words).

In an effort to get a better reputation, I’m not burying any leads here, I want people to understand that if not Sz(first and foremost), I had an entertainment aspect going on, which probably caused problems, along the way. And I could never learn my way, away from it.

My ultimate fantasy is learn calculus :grinning:


It’s a little funny you say that I struggled w Calc and had been a good math student up until then.

Are you a student? In the end one on one tutoring helped me…

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No i m not student.i just like math.

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I hope I enjoy my job when we stop working from home, and I find a med that works long term.

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I like your tag line especially with my day I’m having.

I could never think of a good one for myself.

I hope you get those things.

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Thanks! 15151515

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