Whats your prolactin?

A couple of months ago i started to get symptoms like nipple discharge, hair loss, excessive weight gain around my stomach… so my gyno ordered a prolactin level to be done. Now i know medications can cause increased levels and normal is usually 25 or lower. So whats your level at if you know? If its raised, how raised is it? My level is 135. Is that a normal high level for being on APs?


I don’t know my level, but I had breast discharge, too, when I was on risperdal. Luckily, once being put on haldol and caplyta, I do not experience this anymore.

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John raven are you still cured on Haldol and Calypta. I mentioned your promising results to Ozzykitten.

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I’m far from cured or even recovered, but I am doing a lot better now that we increased the haldol. So, it looks like 30mg of haldol is doing the trick for my positive symptoms, and 42mg of caplyta is best for my negative symptoms. This augmentation of medication is proving to be especially beneficial

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Im also of one of the Grand old ladies namely Clopixol 500 mgs every 3 weeks and besides of that I was ajusted to 800 mgs Seroquel lately for the positives. Your meds affect a broader symptoms range than mine and stay happy with that cause I guess that your negatives and Cognitives symptoms are well treated.

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Abilify is one of the lowest prolactin meds by far

You are right poet in the fact that abilify is the most prolactin friendly antipsychotic. My prolactine.is to.high but thats not so important because I’m now in my mid-life.

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