What's your favourite pseudo-scientific theory? Mine is Hollow Earth

Admittedly, Flat Earth is more popular at the moment, but once the dust settles, I’m hoping Hollow Earth will return to do what it does best: to create scrumptious alternate worlds.


Simulation theory for me.
I’m obsessed with it.

My only doubt would be whether simulation theory should be regarded as pseudo-scientific. PLenty of credible people subscribe to some form of the theory, and so did I during my supposedly psychotic period.

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That’s right. I don’t believe it’s pseudo

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What about the Moon? Is the moon hollow?

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I think rocks are alive, we just don’t live long enough to recognize it.

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Synchronicity… was one of the fun aspects of being psychotic lol


Yea I believed I was an important cause of volcanoes and tsunamis etc
My emotional brain waves were on the same wavelength as those happenings.

I still sometimes question the pseudo part of some coincidences


I thought people were connected to buildings, and my family treating my house like ■■■■ was connected to my mom getting sick. I also thought the universe brought people together. I kept running into this one guy and I thought we were meant to be, thankfully I never acted on it as I was freakishly ill

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But would that be pseudo scientific?

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Absolutely, there is no proven hypothesis for such a thing

Carl Jung is well respected in the psychology world and he came up with the word synchronicity.
I wonder if he ever had psychosis.

Carl Jung describes synchronicity as meaningful coincidences but wth does that mean

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Not really pseudoscientific, just strange, but my favorite would have to be that stars are conscious and can accelerate in their preferred direction.


Maybe I imagined this but I read that they discovered a warm .llexpanse under the Antarctic ice

It’s true!

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