What's your diagnosis?

schizoaffective disorder…

yes… :slight_smile:

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Schizoaffective and PTSD.

Including physical stuff: I also have type 1 diabetes, asthma, an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, POTS, Raynaud’s, and EoE.

Fun stuff.

It sounds like you got dealt quite a hand. But I’ve seen you on here supporting other people and in general having a good attitude. So that’s a double triple good job for you. Hang in there. Have a good day sweetheart.

edit: p.s. I had to look up most of those things because I had never heard of them


Thank you, tera. :orange_heart:


Paranoid Schizophrenia.

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Fat and lazy lol

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I already talked about that subject in a post.

I have been sick for 12 years and I’m now on medication, including an antipsychotic which made me healthy again.

Despite all that, I still don’t know my diagnosis. One psychiatrist said psychosis. Another psychiatrist contradicted her and told me that I have somatic symptoms disorder but said she doesn’t really know for sure. Another psychiatrist said that I have a beginning of schizophrenia and that I am schizoid. This has also been contradicted by an another psychiatrist. And one psychologist suspected I may be bipolar.

The only thing I know is that if I don’t take the antipsychotic, I’m extremely sick.