What's your alter ego?

What’s your super hero alter ego?

Here are some suggestions because no one will help me make a poll. It’s totally ok to have a male alter ego if you are female and vice versa.

Wonder woman
French toast
Grilled cheese sandwich
Afternoon nap

Take your pick!

I happen to like Grilled Cheese & afternoon naps.

I will help you!

What’s your alter ego?

  • Batman
  • Wonder woman
  • French toast
  • Grilled cheese sandwich
  • Afternoon nap

0 voters


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My alter ego is narcissistic.

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That title takes on a whole new meaning here. :expressionless:

Thank you so much! No one else would and it was so annoying. I’m going to make one now :smile:

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Ok, now it’s giving me lip and saying it has to have more than one option. It looks right on the right demo screen though.

Gooey melting cheese

Gooey. Melting. Cheese.

Can you screencap for me?

How do you do that?

I’m no good with computers :frowning:

like this


Hmmm. How about just posting everything but the “[poll]” tags - just let me see how you’re typing them out. Often just the smallest formatting change can make it work or not.

(screencaps are harder on a computer than a phone, usually. on my computer, I would need to hit “print screen” and then paste into an image editing program. it’s a lot of trouble if you’re new to it, and there are other ways of figuring out what’s going wrong.)

0 voters

Okay, try changing it to say “poll type=multiple” Otherwise the tags look good.

Leave the brackets, btw. Just change the words inside the first set.

What’s your alter ego?

  • Batman
  • Wonder woman
  • French toast
  • Grilled cheese sandwich
  • Afternoon nap

0 voters

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