I rely heavily on public transportation. I think buying a car and paying car insurance are expensive. Luckily the bus service in my city is quite good. It is like a bus route every 15 minutes. Also the bus fares are cheap. I’m wondering how is the public transportation in where you live?
We have buses going across the coast every 10 mins and a row of train stations 1 every mile or so stretching to the near by city
I still have a car though, as it’s easier to get around here by that means
I only use public transport to see my shrink because he’s always late and the parking is ridiculous. If it’s on I’ll then take a train otherwise I drive to my volunteer job in the city. It’s about 45 minutes and not so bad.
Public transport is ok. I like trains. Hate buses. Cars are expensive because they deteriorate and you need to keep them serviced but it’s worth the price sometimes.
@green5 Bus services are similar to your where each bus arrives in 15 minute intervals. Without the accuracy and shorter time latency of 5G telecommunication networks, it is difficult to predict when a bus will arrive at a certain bus stop.
Does your city have autonomous buses using Huawei’s 5G network like it is in Shenzhen or Beijing?
There’s a really crappy, overpriced taxi service and there are walking paths. I use the paths a lot. We have no buses, trains, or rideshare services.
Whatever City busing system the town down bicycle lease public taxis if you want to get somewhere fast forget it this is a laid-back town with a bunch of old folks
Cheaper with my discount card and regular bus/train routes but the price still keeps increasing as it is not sustainable even pre-Covid.
We have buses, trains and taxi’s. There’s a constant stream of buses. I can walk to the Taxi stand or call them. If I take the train, it’s usually to Brussels (15 min) or the airport (10 min). There are about 10 platforms.
We only have buses, along with streetcars that service only the downtown area. Buses run every 30 minutes or so. A disabled/elderly monthly pass is $18, and if you aren’t disabled/elderly it’s $35. Paying per ride it’s $1.35 a ride, and to transfer is $0.05. Buses are really cheap here and a good way to get around, but they only run every 30 minutes which isn’t so good.
There is also taxi and ride-sharing but it isn’t as reliable as the buses.
As far as trains go, there is only a single Amtrak train that comes at 11:00pm. You only use Amtrak to go to different parts of the country.
For travel to different parts of the country, there are planes and bus service too, but I never go anywhere. If you have a driver’s license, you can rent a car, but I don’t have a license.
A bus every few hours. Awful connections, over an hour wait between them. I had to take all day to make what is a 1 hour round d trip in a car because of it. Spent 4 hours just waiting.
I have to take a bus to work in a few minutes. Not looking forward to it.
There is no public transportation where I live >_<
You’re screwed if you don’t have a car and drivers license or at least have someone else to drive you.
We have good public transportation. Local buses go regularly. I try to ride my bicycle whenever I can.
Public transportation is only fair in my city. Bus service is ample in the downtown and poor sections of town but scanty everywhere else. Although we do have a special, door to door service for physically disabled people.
Meh. If you like urine smell and ■■■■■■■/■■■■■ bus drivers. Devil bus. No choice though except cycle etc.
Happy cake day @SkinnyMe !
I never tqke publix transportation i have two cars. Well it depends on where i have to be we have a bus service througjout the city and we have a train throughout the bay area
I have a car but from 1990-95 I took the bus and the light rail. Our system is pretty good, the bus usually lets you off fairly close to any destination. There’s exceptions though, I used to take the bus to my sisters and have to walk 20 minutes from the bus stop to my sisters. But usually there’s enough buses and bus stops to get you close to wherever you want to go. After taking the bus 5 years an hour and a half to work and then an hour and a half back, now I really appreciate a car.
We literally have NOTHING I think we may have one taxi service but mostly they are medicaid transportation and that’s it I don’t even think you can get an Uber around here! Like what the heck!
TTC in Toronto. Pretty good service one bus every 20mins on average. One train every 5-10 mins. I use it everyday to get to work. fare is $3.25 you can transfer as many times as you like and a transfer lasts 2 hours.
Sounds like my town. There is a handibus system which is overwhelmed and apparently doesn’t serve the needs of the disabled well. Many of the medical services are actually in the next largest city, which is 41 minutes away. There is no bus or train service to or from it. If you don’t have a vehicle or know someone with one…
The walking path system in the town is wonderfully laid out and well maintained in the winter as it is heavily used. Fantastic for those who walk or bike year round. It’s of little use to those with mobility issues. You can zip around town on an electric scooter in the summer, but their batteries go a fraction of the distance in the cold we have this time of year.
There is room for improvement.