Whats the proof

That this is all real? I put my cheek against a cold wall, and tell myself this is real, but my mind comes up with excuses. Maybe a hallucination. The hospital helped me not be in crisis but im still not living in reality and i feel my personality is way off.

Easier said than done but dont question it.

Questioning leads to more questions


I do find the more distracted i am the better i feel


If this is a simulation, there’s no way we can escape it.

Just live in it by its rules. I dunno.
I have similar feelings and hallucinations that sometimes feed into this belief.
They come and go and can be distressing.

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Sometimes you just have to go with the odds.

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I find distraction helps too. Otherwise my mind wanders off too much.

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It took a long time for me, but in general…

I initially thought something would happen to me, and I would wake up in a new reality. I realized after time, that generally…I think it would’ve happened already, and that there wasn’t anything special going on, and that “special” feeling eventually got duller and easier to associate with being less grounded and functional.

Because there are some simple truths ( other than the wall being cool ) that we want to avoid, so we just say it’s the wall perception that is not right, and not a different one that would seem to be more difficult to accept.

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My theory is we are all in agreement with what we interpret reality is with the five senses.

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