What's the longest episode you've had?

3 months for me. Moved to austin texas alone in an apartment. Threw my abilify supply in the trash because it was making me sick and I had some devine inspiration that I could spiritually fix myself and I then went nuts for 3 months. It was eventful. I thought there was a nuclear bomb in my car and I abandoned it on the highway. The cops came and found me on the side of the highway and took me seriously about the nuclear bomb. After that was a few months in a mental hospital where I thankfully found Zyprexa that eased me away from my delusions. But by then I was in a group home that was a shithole. So I abandoned it and was homeless for a short while until I started doing things like getting naked in public. I had many voices in my head and they were all friends and I had superpowers. I thought I had like a cell phone connection in my head to all of them but I had to prove it so I arranged that all these people would meet with me and drive to where I was but they never showed up. By that time I was in the grips of a nasty group home where everybody stealed from everybody else and some crazy woman was trying to get in a relationship with me. At that poing I came to my senses and was able to get some of my disability money to get a cell phone and reconnect with family. My dad had abandoned me but thankfully came and got me out of there a year or two ago. I’ve been doing great ever since including working but that was quite an episode.


About six months or so.

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My latest episode began in 2002 and, although I am recovering, is still ongoing…


My first episode and last episode was for about 2 and a half years almost 3

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Looking back I started to become psychotic in 2009. I was hospitalized in 2010 and got meds in 2011. So, about 2 years.

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Yeah… ongoing for about 3 years now… getting better slowly…

The voices are posed back there… and while I falter sometimes and slip into old insane/insecure mentalities… all in all I’m mostly over my issues and my fascination with schizophrenia… there isn’t much left for them to say… I grow noticeably further away from their effects every month.

my first episode was the longest, a year and a half.

8 months… my single relapse lasted just a month or so, i.e., if one starts counting from the moment hallucinations became an issue. The part where lurking delusions became a very serious option, just a few hours fortunately.

How are you doing now

I’m doing pretty ok compared to then. I have some paranoid thoughts left. And voices. They never leave my side.

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Are you doing well

What was your recovery process and how are you doing

Meds make all the differance to me. I have control. Without meds I lose control.

I’m doing better now, I’ve never 100% recovered. I still hear voices and have delusions of being possessed. I’m also having problems with paranoia.

My recovery process was going to doctor appointments, at one time at one clinic I had DBT, therapy, med clinics and an appointment once a week with a social worker.

my longest period of delusion lasted seven months…I wrote a book about the experience. I don’t read the book anymore, too many triggers.