I once bought an mattress through Amazon. Never again. It came and it inflated after opening. It was the most uncomfortable piece of garbage that I have ever used. I will never buy one via that method again. I will always try before I buy when it comes to mattresses.
shoes and boots
Skim milk & large eggs. Any refrigerated or frozen food products basically.
I bought a few pairs of Nike Running and Under Armor shoes online and they were fine.
Nothing perishable
I would like to try them on before i buy them
You can always return the pair of shoes and ship them back if they do not fit or you do not like them.
Fresh fruit and veg, or anything with a short shelf-life. I’m paranoid that the packers will send me stuff that is about to go off, or swap my tomato soup for mushroom!
Too lazy to send things back
Mattress is a good one. Though I technically bought mine online after trying it in the store (Purple brand).
I think I’ve, sadly, gotten to the point where there’s nothing I wouldn’t buy online anymore.
Edit: furniture. I tried that once and it was a disaster, much like your mattress.
Shirts. I shop at Kohl’s.com and I never get the right size. I’ll buy pants on line because I know my size. I just bought some recently; if I know my size it’s hard to buy the wrong ones.
Fresh food. I just like being able to pick out what I want.
I buy just about everything online now as I no longer have a driver’s license or a car. I’m going to have to try and find a furniture store that still delivers though because I need a new recliner. I buy mattresses from Mattress Firm because they offer premium delivery service, will take your old mattress, and setup your new one.
Apparently, some car dealerships are selling online, now, and the car gets delivered to your home. No way would I ever do that. I need to test drive it and see it in person!
I sold my last car that way, through Carvana. Easiest transaction I ever did.
shoes for sure.
There is just too much room for personal taste in “feel” for how a shoe fits.
Next up? Maybe foods? Like these food services where they mail you food to make.
Like what happens if the mail is down or delayed, you go hungry?
I don’t like to buy clothes online. I like to try them on in the fitting room in the store to see if they fit and if they are comfortable.
I had no problem buying shoes and clothes online. Never needed to return anything as I know my sizes and dimensions of the product. But I don’t like buying fresh or perishable food. They will probably send the worst.
I prefer to try on in the comfort of my own home, then send back if necessary. They never seem the same if I try them on in the store then bring them home.
I don’t think I would ever buy vinyl records online. It just seems like they could be damaged too easily in shipment and some of the local record dealers near me say they will exchange their used ones if they skip.