Whats good about sobriety?

What are some of the good things in life that come from not drinking, blazing, tripping, etc? How has your life changed for the better? And do the cravings get better as time goes by?

I wasn’t drinking, doing drugs, fooling around with girls etc and life rewarded me with schizophrenia bwhahahaha.


LOL Andrey!, I am drinking and smoking and still cant shake it loose.

Drinking if you’re an alcoholic means death via insanity. Even if you don’t have a mental illness, let alone if you do. So, now I’ve avoided that.

Edit: the cravings go away, I’ve completely lost the desire to drink.


yeah im going to quit …eventually

you probably live longer, my dad died pretty young from liver disease due to alcohol,

i also think that illegal drugs and natural highs etc all make the symptoms of sz worse so i would avoid them like the plague.

I used to smoke a lot of weed years ago. For me it was basically just walking away from the “deal making”. Weed provided temporary relief and distraction, but it had a price (in addition to the money). Over time it would also make me more anxious and more depressed, less stable. It was always a very tempting deal, yet not a good one. So I would have to say the biggest benefit since I quit has been no longer feeling duped every time the “mental bill” came.


The plague sucks.

I stopped liking the feeling of being drunk because it’s inescapable and distorted. Then to be even more depressed with or without a hangover.

The cravings go away.

One thing I realized is that the happiest best times of my life and nicest memories all happen when I am sober. 100% of good things I cherish, so more sober time = more chances for truly good things to happen.

Also, I try to remember being a child and never being drunk or high; way funner and freer version of consciousness.

I get that the social aspects are tempting, as well as the impulse to be able to alter consciousness at will with substances, the feeling of escape… Not worth the losses anymore to me though.


Youve reached the next level of consciousness

I feel my head is clear and I don’t have cravings anymore. No more erratic behavior because of the drugs and the alcohol so I made my choice for sobriety and I’m keeping it.


the cravings pass man… you kind of have to fall in love with unlimited focus and physical/mental health… also being able to go where you want and when you want without feeling like you gotta hide something…

There are countless untold benefits… you just gotta find them for yourself…

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I think the question would be better framed if you asked “What is bad about drinking?” For me, it is the hangovers. They’re getting tougher and tougher. Also, my health. I can tell that alcohol affects my health for the worse. I can’t do a lot of physical things when I’m drinking that I can do sober. Also, I hear that cirohsis of the liver is a rough way to go. Also, I sometimes get arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct when I’m drinking, with a few days in jail and a stiff fine. Thank God I don’t have a car. When I am sober I understand how impaired I am when I drink, but when I’m drinking that good sense leaves me. They’re cracking down on drunk driving.
Today is my 151st day without drinking.

When I was doing drugs and drinking I was part of the problem. Now that I’m clean I’m part of the solution.
Once I quit drinking and drugging my life improved dramatically. I got a job. I started college.

Once I got clean, I no longer had to look over my shoulder anymore in fear of cops. In my sobriety I started going to nice places and hanging around nice people instead of hanging around crime-ridden dangerous places. I stopped having to hang around people who were bad for me and didn’t give a sh*t about me except to use me for my drugs.

I got clean in 1990 by going to AA meetings once or twice a week. Pretty soon I was going to 5 or 6 meetings a week. It got me out of the house and gave me a chance to socialize with a diverse friendly bunch of people. Once I got clean, I was no longer wasting hundreds of dollars on drugs and alcohol. Once I got clean and sober I no longer had to lie to my family.

Part of Being an addict is living a life of deceit. I no longer have to lie anymore about my whereabouts or where all my money goes to. Now that I’m clean, I’m not causing trouble anymore and I’m not embaressing people close to me or causing them trouble. People trust me now. I am no longer jepardizing my health with illegal stuff. I am not wasting my time anymore. on finding, getting or using drugs.

By the way, after about 4 months of weekly AA meetings my cravings went away and have never came back. That may sound unbeliavable that I lost the craving so fast after being addicted to crack for four years, but it’s the truth. All too often, doing drugs becomes a whole lifestyle. And it’s usually not a good lifestyle.