I never understood whats going on in Syria. Is there a Syria for dummies book? I’m asking bc my psych doc is from Syria and would like to empathize.
Ha…global war on terror…bombing of civilians…moving of natural resources across borders…Russia says we are funding Isis and have pics to back up were allowing and over seeing the transportation of billions in oil crossing over borders we protect…there’s no shortage on what’s going on…and no telling who’s doing what…
I think that the situation in Syria and Iraq is just the continuation of war activities that started already in 2003, the hell has lasted 14 years already, I am not even watching news to know what is going on there …
Its Iraq 2.0…the enemy is better funded more organized and some how have american vehicles…outfitted with rockets and chainguns…the politics is disgusting
Actually it is the continuation of all wars in the Persian Gulf that started already when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait 26 years ago, back in 2003 some people from Tehran mailed me some interesting books and in one of these books they clearly described how violent that region of the world has been for many many centuries.
I was psychotic off an on for the beginning of this, so I my memory isn’t the best, but I get the gist of it. It started with the Arab Spring where people in Syria wanted to overthrow their dictator Assad. They then started to rebel against him. With the backing of Russia, Assad has been bombing the rebels. Before that I think he was pretty abusive to his people.
Trump is in bed with Putin, so we should start seeing more of these activities by Russia.
It turns out that I remembered this right. This article should fill in the dates and stuff of what I described.
Just another mass of crazy human beings thinking up reasons to kill each other.
The catalyst was the jailing on March 6, 2011, of some children who painted anti-regime graffiti. Some were killed in detention, and this led to public protests which spread around the country – fueled by the failure of the government to punish the perpetrators.
Another theory says the war started with demonstrations which mirrored those in neighboring countries, and which soon led to a security crackdown. In April 2011, the Syrian Army fired on demonstrators and the protests became a full-scale armed rebellion.
ISIS is Sunny if I have understood right, Saddam was Sunny … or was it so?
I try not to watch these negative news because they trigger me and I try to maintain my positive mind.
As we make our ways through our collective youth we will hit the rapids.
Everyone hits the rapids.
The ebb and flow of growth for the young, eddies and rapids.
it ■■■■■■■ sucks.
When we’re all done though being retards people will get along just fine.
The interdimensionals bringing us forth from the grave we’ll live in a not so retarded fashion, our second birth. And everyone gets a new name.
Okay i’m going to go smoke myself to death.