What's a new word that you have recently learned or you find bizarre?

Okay I don’t know that one. Is it someone who wants their haircut all the time?

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The urge to steal things. My voices told me it and it was related to a delusion I had. I had never heard of the word

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I never knew what prudent meant until this year.


I think it’s kleptomania but I’m not sure.

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I’ve heard it but don’t know the meaning.

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Acting with and showing care and thought for the future.

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Snickerdoodle. Apparently it’s a snack or candy bar of some sort. The words lols me out, though.

And Peckish. Which means to be a little hungry, but for snacks or sweets instead of foods.


penne - pasta in the shape of little cylinders.

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Snickerdoodle is a kind of cookie. We made them in my 8th grade home economics class


gardyloo. look it up



Cyclothymia- I was reading a bipolar magazine

It is misandry.

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@FatMama I use ostentatious…I learned that word in architectural history class…“the design was ostentatious…haha”

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I knew what it meant but thought it was fitting lol

Meow: Feed me
Meow: Scratch my chin
Meow: Clean my litter box
Meow: Leave me alone
Meow: I do and don’t want attention

I’m fascinated with the vocabulary of our feline friends.

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Metamorphosis: something that butterflies do

I learned the word philistine from Black Panther. I had heard it before but didn’t know what it meant.

noun: a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them.

Gruntled: pleased, satisfied, content

Opposed to Disgruntled

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