Sounds like you have the right plan
You got to be a little religious or political about what you eat
Completely build negative sentiment about processed carbs by whatever means
Sounds like you have the right plan
You got to be a little religious or political about what you eat
Completely build negative sentiment about processed carbs by whatever means
It does make you feel good if you can eat healthy. I wish i didnt have to give up coffee, dairy and gluten though. But they’re seriously weakening my immune system because im intolerant to them
Cravings should be striking you for a while as you ween off those
Probably… where abouts in the world do you live?
Canada… Im in atlantic canada now but i was in toronto
Youre very fortunate to live in new zealand .
Thats cosmic stroke of luck
Oh yup, you guys have nice wildlife in Canada.
Lots of squirrels and racoons and bunnies in the cities coyotes are moving south to those areas with no predators… Lots of roadkill from cars like they are predator tho
I think i probably take it for granted, i kind of ruined my reputation here and most people hate me. It was a nice placw to grow up, still high school dramas but mild compared to other countries. Ive had a lot of luck in my life, but ive sabotagued myself and others snd thrown it away. Now i am living in the rubble… pathetic huh?
Aww raccoons are the cutest. That sucks about the cars hitting the coyotes.
Not really
Life goes sideways
Be thankful to be alive
Reject in a way social contractual obligations
Your personal freedom can be enjoyed without giving anything back.
Cars hit everything
Ive acted stupid when psychotic
Ive alienated myself from all social ties
Theres nobody i can reach out to really from over 20 years of psychosis
Sz is bridge burner
Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re managing ok?
I handle being alone better than some
But i do have my agonized times during each day
It passes
I need to have interests again
But that is also a negative caused by meds lack of interest in things
I hear ya. The only thing that cut through the negatives for me was coffee or exercise.
I’m sorry you have agonizing times, do you have a pet?
No, i dont have a pet.
I take crap care of myself
I dont need a pet i need to be a pet
Aww ok. Do you like nature/ live close to nature?
Yes I was very green for a long time
but i dont really live close to nature i live near the ocean though
the ocean is a vast wilderness but i dont live in it
I used to be green too. But hearing murderers chase me whilst being in the bush has ruined my trust in nature. Do you like to walk at the beach?