When i was a kid i daydreamed a lot. And i use to spend hours on end on wikipedia, just reading anything i could. I was hungry for knowledge.
After a while, before any major decision i start asking myself what would my wikipedia article say about that, how it would said it and what will the people think about it.
So even now, sometimes, before any major decision i think what will it say. So far it has a lot of suffering, misunderstanding and more. But i think it will turn out good.
What would you wikipedia article say about you up until today? would you like it?
I thibk I’ve lived an interesting life… Idk I think it would be far from complete at this point because I’m still relatively young in terms of accomplishing my life’s goal but … i think I would be happy.
I used to love reading wiki for biographies. … Idk why but it seems there’s some misinformation on wiki these days tho. … at least biased info . It’s an invaluable resource tho… i wanna buy an encyclopedia now
I’ve read quite a few articles and donated a few dollars because I’ve found Wikipedia helpful but I am not fully versed on its governance or how it all works exactly, other than it is advertised as the encyclopedia that can be edited by anyone, or at least it used to be.
Are you allowed to create a wikipedia page on yourself if you wanted too?
Rhizome was a YouTube commenter who wrote the first comment on a Buzzfeed Top 10 video in 2009. Little is known about his personal life as he has not written a bio on his account profile.
Blossom can’t keep any plants alive, even low maintenance succulents and cacti. Yet she keeps buying more plants, because she loves them, but they always end up dead.
Blossom got married at age 21. She and her husband have no human children, but they do have animal children: a Great Pyrenees dog named Wesley, an American shorthair cat named Fable, another American shorthair cat named Orestes, and a corn snake named Inferno. They also had 2 hamsters, at different times, who have since passed away: a Roborovski dwarf hammy named Professor Albus Dumbledore and a Russian dwarf hammy named Svetlana.
Blossom got the short stick in the draw. She has several disabilities and/or health conditions. She has:
Type 1 diabetes, diagnosed at age 10
Diabetic gastroparesis, diagnosed at age 23 (approx.)
Schizoaffective bipolar type, diagnosed at age 23
Asthma, diagnosed at age 22
Fibromyalgia, diagnosed at age 28
Tardive cervical dystonia, diagnosed at age 28
Blossom enjoys being in nature, whether hiking or picnicking in the canyon, or taking a walk at a park. She enjoys video games, but has a hard time, nowadays, feeling engaged enough to play alone. She still really loves playing PC games with her husband.
Mashed potatoes are Blossom’s favorite food. She might kill you if you take away her mashed potatoes. Nah, JK.
The last thing you should know about Blossom is that she is very addicted to the schizophrenia forum. She thinks about it away too much.
Thanks for reading. This was fun to type out, haha.