What would you like to improve in your life?
- Diet
- Fitness
- Love Life
- Nothing I am perfectly fine
- Other
0 voters
What would you like to improve in your life?
0 voters
For me fitness, health, is the most important of those.
I chose fitness.
I wish I could lose weight, I was 100lb less on Abilify.
I would have picked Diet and Fitness, but Diet is more important to me.
I need better social skills
Diet, fitness and social skills.
I don’t want much beyond what I have already. If I got a lot of money my lifestyle probably would not change much. I would invest my money so I can be as secure as possible. I might like a little comfort, but not luxury.
I said other because I am wanting more financial security
I would love to be able to run again!
I wish it was multiple choice. I voted “fitness” but I also would like to have some hobbies that I can enjoy, on my own. So, also “other”.
most people have chosen fitness and I had to think very hard but i chose diet bc i don’t like exercising much as it is stressful and i get anxious so all i can think of to do is improve my diet… I’ve been trying for ages but still haven’t found a good diet plan i can follow.
I am perfectly happy and content with my life as it is.
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