What would motivate you to go back to work?

well other than survival. what would it take for you to decide to try to go back to work?

for me i was content to be on ssdi for the first 5 years but now im getting more ambitious. i think what is motivating me is i would like a nicer house, and i would like to have a bit of nest egg for when im older when work may no longer be an option for me. also i enjoy simple pleasures, like fruit smoothies in the morning as well as some other foods which are out of my budget right now.

i think those are my big motivators, nicer home, security, and healthier food.

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If I weighed less, got tested for sleep apnea a second time because I’ve been told I probably have it now, had an idea of what I was able to do (my main skill that I learned was shelving and arranging mainly books but with my bad feet and ankles I can’t do that now. I have an associate’s degree in History but don’t know how to approach the job of teaching in these politically divisive times, and my anxiety makes teaching very difficult. I actually wanted to write History books but the rules of SSI and my inability to drive makes that a difficult proposition as well) and was allowed to keep Medicaid without limits on what I could earn and keep. (I could get an ABLE account I guess although I notice that the government is lowering the amount allowed in it over time.)


For me it was finding a job that paid more than $45,000 per year. I wouldn’t have gone back to work for less than that.


haha. i will accept about $30-40,000 without any technical skill or college degree. i can make that working 50 hours a week in a warehouse.

i would like to make more but im not greedy. i don’t have any kids and don’t plan on having any. so that is one less expense. im not married and i live in an affordable area of the country.

sure i would like to have more money and move out to Oregon, but if i moved out there now i would just have an hourly job making no more than $15/hour. so it’s best to go back to work here and save. maybe i will go to trade school and command higher pay sometime

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I am not greedy. I have three college degrees one being a masters degree in business and I have an aircraft mechanics license.

I was making $130,000 per year when I got sick so $45,000 is still quite a cut in pay.

My SSDI was $2400 per month so I wasn’t going to go work at McDonalds or anything.

I make $52,000 a year right now but get a raise to $64,000 next month.

That’s good enough with schizophrenia. I just turned down a job for $100,000 per year but I would have had to move to California.

Everybody is in a different situation.


my apologies. i was not trying to call you greedy. should have been more careful with my words.

the fact is i can live on 15,-$18,000 dollars in expenses and save the rest. i would like to be able to save $10,000 a year if i go back to work. so 30,000 after taxes would be a good haul for me.

more power to you if you can get paid more.

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I’d have to make way, way more money than I am making now, I would have to be driving again, my chronic insomnia would have to go away, and my chronic migraines would have to go away. I truly don’t see any of that happening in the future.

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I plan to go back to work when I finish my masters. Honestly I’m functional so I can have healthy relationships.

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I went back to work because we needed the money and I needed to feel useful. I don’t make much, but I don’t work much, either. It’s still nice to know I’m needed because I take over the library when the director is off on training or doctor appointments.

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The boredom of being a stay at home parent is enough motivation for me to go back to work. I cant wait until Starlet is adopted and I can go to work again.


Is staying at home a requirement for adopting a foster child?

What motivated me to go back to work was that I got to do it on my own terms, and a change of scenery

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No but we could afford it and it seemed easier.

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