What will u do if min101 fails

I am much worried about this drug…hope it will be available soon to us…

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Waiting for another drug lol

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Next big hit will be sep 856…do u know about it…

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I also would break something. Something cheap of course


It would be nice if min works, but in my mind i am hoping around 2030 something will come out for negs, it would be nice for something earlier but i have my doubts.


I would do the same thing that I’m doing now: nothing.

Why do you think that?

i dont see why min101 is magic pill so im not gonna do anything
negatives are eating up my life btw

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Why not

Cuz i dont buy into hype. I dont know what negative symptoms it even treats. The research just isnt there yet, it’s like trying to win a lottery with psychotropics.


I agree the cause of negative symptoms isnt determined, but it had good results in phase 2b and i mean very good results for alogia p=0.0031

Did your contact ever reply as to what percentage improvement that translates to?

No he cant but he said anything under 0.05 is significant so this is super significant i guess. His words were quite significant but i think it was an understatement

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It doesnt mean it’s significant. I took a statistics course and i know what p-number is. It just means that it is statistically very likely that it wasn’t a coincidence. Doesn’t mean alogia significantly improved. Think of .05 p-number as meaning that theres a less than 5% chance that it was just chance that alogia seemed to improve.

Oh i made a mistake. However there is a huge chance it improves alogia but it doesnt say how much. Lol i get it

It is significant though

Not worried. I don’t live in the USA (where this drug is being considered for approval), so it doesn’t affect me. No one knows yet if the drug is in trials for the Canadian market.