What Weird Thing Can You Do?

(sarcasm…) I can see and hear things no one else does.
(really…) still thinking…

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I can do this too! Both sides.

I can also wiggle my nose like Samantha from bewitched.


Without bees I wouldn’t be here. They are really important in the life cycle

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A joint in my thumb turns backwards

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I play banjo pretty good…now isn’t that weird?


One of my favourite movie clips of all time… :wink:

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:grin: I can only do the right side of my upper lip. You are talented! I like the nose wiggle too! Can you do “taco tongue” too? (Curl your tongue, sides up?) I can’t…it’s genetic so can’t be learned.

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???.. They want me to say more.

i can hyperextend my left arm pretty far.

In my prime I could juggle four tennis balls at the same time.

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I can scratch my arm not too hard with one or two fingers and a huge red patch will appear under the skin. People say ‘What’s THAT?’ Lasts for days.

It’s hereditary. Too bad This didn’t happen in my self-harming days.

I can flip my tongue over, both ways, and roll it. But I can’t do the clover thing with it.

I can also move my eyeballs independently of each other.

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Yes I can do taco tongue! I never knew it was called that, that’s funny!

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Make him squeal like a pig.

I can get out of traffic tickets. Seriously. I’ve been caught red-handed 8 times for speeding or cutting someone off, and when the cop comes to my window I am polite. Getting angry when I cop pulls you over is the worst thing you can do. But I admit my guilt, I stay calm, I might give him a reason why I was speeding. and I am apologetic. So 8 times I’ve been let off with just a warning.


I can do that too.

i can do a split! :slight_smile:

I can wiggle my left ear.

I can drink a beer in 8 seconds. I mean 0.5 liter.


I am double jointed. I used to be way more flexible. Seems to be a common theme in this thread talking about double jointedness. I used to be so flexible it was pretty insane. Now I’m really not.

I also used to be able to touch the rim on the 10 foot basketball hoop when I was only 5 foot 3…Now I’m pretty sure I couldn’t get off the ground if I tried to jump. Not much of an athlete anymore…