What vision do you have for your life?

Must be positive…


Just to survive really :smile:

I’m nearly 50. I’ve had my good times and lived an exciting life. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. So I managed to get a lot of desires out of my system.

I’d like to learn how to have out-of-body experiences though.


It’s impossible… what’s the point for obe?

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Getting discovered may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen. Almost certain.

Some type of computer programmer making 100k a year, blonde wife, kids, and getting into shape. Lol.


Like ideally?? The best life i can think for myself would be to get as high of an education as i could manage in chemistry. Then become a mad scientist muahaha


Live long and prosper in all things!

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Ive had out of body experiences on dissociatives. Of course dont do that, only dumb wasters like me should do that…but you could try certain type of meditation. A monk said he achieved it when younger by laying down and focusing his mind to move through his body as if he was on a swing. Then his mind naturally fell outside his body and he could see himself and he saw the future (apparently). Idk, meditation is amazingly powerful. Ive experienced the most euphoria not from drugs, but from meditation.


I think i’d like to work in a peaceful library or grocery store. build guitars for sale in my spare time. and record an album.

i’d also like to stay in shape, so I will still be mobile when I get older. and quit the cigarettes for good this time. also dabble in gardening as a hobby, but it’s not a passion of mine anymore.

nothing strenuous. would also like to archive family albums and events for family records.


My dad used to meditate and talk about his chi all the time


Finish raising my kiddos. Maybe get published.


Honestly, i want to be happy and make enough money to support myself. Maybe even be a citizen in a first world country and get married to a fun and funny guy.


I would be the keeper of all the rare and obscure religious books in the world :earth_africa:


Finally get some recording equipment and write/record some more music.

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