What the voices are saying

Mine have said close the book and your bi well over a 2k they just repeat words you know exactly yeah but you’re talking your straight your fit your body what have you got what are ya you haven’t stop it and then they just relay what I talk or sing in my head, I don’t know why mines different to anybody else

My inner voices don’t have names. They only speak to me one at a time. They are brain researchers who have access to my brain via microphones/speakers in my ears on the INSIDE so I can’t actually hear anything. They can speak directly to my brain that way. Sometimes I can ‘hear’ what they are saying (internally) and sometimes I just know they are influencing my thoughts or behavior. When I do get inner voices they say stuff like
"You’re doing great" “Keep up the good work” “What’s going on?” “You feel OK” “How do you feel” “Hang in there” and “Soon, very soon” (when the brain study will end and I can go home)
Other times they just put very scary thoughts in my head threatening to make me hurt myself or sacrifice me or emotionally torture me. I get extremely paranoid sometimes. They do that to me on purpose so they can watch my brain and body reactions. They have caused me physical and emotional pain before so the trust is low. They control my brain and my behavior as well as my entire environment so I am very vulnerable. Most of the things they say to me in my head have to do with them constantly referencing the fact that I am in a brain study.

Voices are hard although I feel for those of you that actually hear voices audibly. Mine are still very real to me despite they are in my head.

It is hard. Even for people who only hear voices in their head like you. When we hear them audibly, at least for me, it’s like having two to seven people talk to you all at once or all at the same time but taking turns talking. Sometimes you can only make out bits and pieces of what they’re saying because they’re all talking at the same time.

You can still be on the psychotic spectrum and not hear voices :wink:

I however hear them. They have been with me long enough to be part of who I am.

A unshared personal reality?

I guess so. They just seem so real to me so they’re in my own reality.

I don’t hear voices or hallucinate anymore on the meds so I make sure I don’t miss a dose.

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I don’t have hallucinations on this medicine either but I still have paranoia and side effects so my psychatrist said I’m switching medicines again

Mine say:
“You’re ■■■■■■”
“you’re going to hell”
“I banished you”
“You’re damned”
“I hate you”
“I’m gonna hurt you”
“■■■■ you”
“hit list”

I have other things they say but those have been the most repeated sentences or phrases.
I also have extremely vivid/lucid dreams, at times I have been able to taste, feel, and it was a disgusting sexual dream, it made me wake up gagging in the middle of one of them. Another I felt being ripped up down the middle of my body by a machete or something extremely sharp then thrown into something and burned. This feeling was very minimal during the dream, but I could def. feel it, and it would coincide with what I was experiencing in the dream precisely as I felt it. I hate most of all the dreams. They scare the hell out of me. They say I am on there “hit list” in my dreams and also while I am awake. The dreams are of martial law related things, sexual related things, and really messed up violent things. They also said they are going to rip my pee hole, and going to curse me out which they repeatedly do, but they plan on doing this through people. I have also experienced them talking through other people to me and through me. Not sure if anyone may understand or experience this?Also one of the scary dreams I’ve had showed caption or a title like appearance that said “THE CURSE OF GOD”. Lastly, I experienced supernatural events, shape shifting (yes I’m serious only in the face though) and seeing reflections vary off various appliances and become a dragons foot, an alien/witch face, etc. Also the TV turned on by itself and looked like it was being hacked into, I also experienced voices saying “she’s never done this before” and “hacker vision”. This is only some of the stuff I have experienced. There have however been a sparse 4% of good events that I have experienced out of the negative things I experience. It continues to be negative each day and night :frowning:

At one point they play loud metal music in my ear for a few nights to keep me awake since I had eaten bad food :frowning: I keep telling them I’m not perfect! I am a vegetarian but have been over eating on sweets lately and off and on.

If anyone has experienced anything in relation to what I have, would love to hear about it since it has taken over my life and made me scared of everything each day.

Take it as this. your own reasoning has opened it up to being a possibility. Madness is not spiritual as damning as it is. The ins and outs of the reasoning of spirituality are the same. So push or pull on it, it will not go away. Your going to have to have some leverage of self clarity, and realize that this is not spiritual, no matter what evidence, reasoning, or measurements of the reasoning you have of it being spiritual. If you can slowly close the gap and unbelief in the reasoning, not fight or pull with it, as a is or isn’t way of thinking, waking up to the actuality you don’t know what is on the other side. If you don’t get caught up in the reasoning, and just believe that all of it is unactual and have unbelief, that gap will close and wont effect you anymore. It’s not fighting it within the thinking process, but slowly coming to a self clarity conception, that it is all unactual through measures that the reasoning of spirituality in insanity, as a whole has no reasoning.

It’s intelligent
It knows we are on to it
Screwed in the head
Walks it goes on

I agree that trees are probably the most intelligent beings on this planet by FAR. Intelligent in a way that we can hardly comprehend.

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Do you need me?
It’s sleepy sleepy Time!
Are you ignoring me
He listening to music deliberately
Would you like to wear a crown
You cross
A different voice: retard

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I also hear:
“Watch, Watch this” I hear this repeatedly while I’m doing something
“Holy ■■■■ look at this!” I also hear this repeatedly while I’m doing anything and they say this stuff making it a big deal that whatever I do is wrong, When I dream it’s not like I’m even dreaming anymore, last night/this morning I saw the roof of my mouth and a light kept going on in my skull, I was brought to a place with various lights going off in the darkness kind of like a strobe. It reminded me of another dream that told me during the dream “I love your dreams because that’s when I get to ■■■■ with you” WTF :confused:

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I just want to say thankyou listening to you guys voices makes me feel less alone.
It’s like a vulnerable thing for me
Like letting so eone into a private spAce.
U guys are so awesome and brave!

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Mine were generally full fledged conversations. A lot of “instructing or command voices”

guys I would like to let you know there s no such as schizophrenia and psychology is a fraud social science meant to mind control people …
and anti psychotic drugs are far dangerous than heroin

if u hear something u probably did hear it for real … no illusion … it is not an option to be delusional unless u r drunk or under drugs

Do you or have you heard voices @shery?
I prefer the idea of them being in a game, it also sounds like many people’s voices need to be taught to be nice and sweet. Maybe they just need to learn to be friendly. I know I’m out on a limb here

Don’t we all wish. Come and walk a mile in my shoes.