What should I make for lunch?

  • Turkey sandwich
  • Turkey :sandwich:
  • :turkey::sandwich:

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I’m just kidding. I only have lunch items to make a turkey sandwich. Turkey sandwich, it is!

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Sounds like the choices in my last hospital stay :nauseated_face:
Hate turkey myself :face_vomiting:

It’s not so bad but

I asked staff if there was a turkey farm in the hospital grounds

I said anything but turkey :turkey:

Ooo it’s thanksgiving already :nauseated_face:

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This bad boy is currently being grilled on the George Foreman. Can’t wait.

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The worst :face_vomiting:

My parents would always get mad when I didn’t like their choice of food they’d say “you’re ruining it for me!!” If I said I didn’t think their food was appetizing

Just FYI if I was on a date with someone I wouldn’t ostracize your choice lol. I am better than that

Looks decent when ya grill it and hide it lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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