What should I get - garden bench or phone for my 40th birthday present [POLL]

It is my 40th in September. Mum says if I want a present worth a couple of hundred quid that is no problem as my 40th birthday is a big deal.

I have narrowed it down to a garden bench or put money towards a new iPhone.

I will be to the point and say I am thinking the bench. It will last for years and I have the perfect spot for it. We could also get a little plaque engraved on it.

Phones come and go but a nice garden bench will be an investment.

  • Bench
  • iPhone

0 voters

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You have been talking about wanting a new bench for a long time. The newer iphones are pretty trash and a decent android is half the price anyways.


I think special gifts shouldn’t be too useful

Oooh I first thought you meant a gym bench (for power lifting).

Whatever you decide, you only turn 40 once. It’s a nice milestone so give yourself the best possible celebration!

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Mate. Get something you’d never buy yourself but want. That is a good present in my eyes and if it’s something you use daily and gives you joy then question answered!


I voted to get the bench…how nice…

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