What should I be for Halloween?

I say Wednesday Adams or witch

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I vote for cat!
Very kid friendly


Lol it would be funny to be a gru and have your bf be a minion :joy:


I like the cat or Wednesday Adams ideas

Both would be fun and kid-friendly


Definitely better than a kinked knife on your body with some ketchup

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Why not be a piece of toast? :smile:


lol it’s only $25 too

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We have the same power of the internet connection !

Huh?? 1515151515

What ?


Are you suggesting I look online? Because I’ve already done so and that’s a rude way of putting it imo.

Sry, it was the answer to the post before, @bittercat .

I hope you find a good fairing !

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It’s alright. Sorry if I came off strong, I thought you were insulting me.

Me too. I’m sure I will find something cool.

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Lol that’s awesome… If you have three friends maybe you can be a grilled cheese sandwich together lmao

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HAHA! Now that’s funny. We could walk around in a line so the costumes line up.

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no plans for Halloween.

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Will you hand out candy?

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probably not. My dad likely will.


Maybe it can be a movie night?

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