What sets a mentally ill person free?

Being mentally ill is complicated. That too with not so understanding family and ever increasing complexity in handling the work, it only makes the life harder. In such circumstances what can set a person free and have a quiet mind.


Keeping busy and being productive can set a person free


Thought spirituality, one can get free internally.
Despite the circumstances

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I am trying to be busy. But people are irritating me.

I am not able to understand simple things. Spirituality will be so difficult to contemplate.


I believe the mentally ill brain is suffering from an excessive amount of oxidative stress that the brain can’t bounce back from. It gets progressively more stressed, as anxiety and symptoms trigger more of the same usually.

The only way to win that fight is to load the diet with antioxidants that heal the brain, and not mostly pro-oxidants like the typical western diet has.


Spirituality is easy. It talks directly to your heart.
It’s not maths

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I don’t know how to pursue spirituality. What can I do?

Meditate. Love beings. Be grateful. Be simple


Maybe you can start simply. Try deeply breathing and slow down your thoughts. It is a form of meditation what I am talking about. But maybe theres no need to sit and meditate. But when I feel im thinking too much I take a few deep breaths and I dont think anything for 5 seconds. It calms me down a little. And you can do this anywhere.


I avoid 75% of my family and 95% of my wife’s family. That helps.


This is quite relieving. Thanks

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That’s hard to answer since I have not been set free.

But I think with time I will be set free unless I relapse Need to lose excess weight eat healthy avoid triggers, work on triggers that are workable, make friends, get a job have a purpose, a hobby

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This is so true Gratitude. Meditating helps me quiet my mind, especially when the voices are very active, and helps me to focus well.

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Having my own apartment makes me feel free.

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Some type of purpose, I guess? The feel of being needed, wanted, acknowledged.

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Thoughts and research about consciousness,listening and watching debates , philosophy( eastern or western) sets me free. Of course everything privately.


I think that occasional blip of happiness can relieve things a little bit. Maybe that perfect day where everything just goes well and so somehow you feel a little glimmer of hope. My thoughts anyhow.



For me it was overcoming the debilitating anxiety. It took a combination of counselling, the SSRI Lexapro, exposure therapy, and CBT was also suggested but was not required. Since overcoming the anxiety I feel as though I have been set free and am now able to step outside the front door and explore a whole new world.

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In schizophrenia there is no quite mind and if there is, it’s to some extent a paradox. All we can do is keep living life regardless of hardships. Personally I wish I was healthy, but I accept reality as it is. Realizing the truth of our prognosis is a step in the right direction, denial only makes you feel subconsciously afraid, because we think ignorance is bliss when in reality truth is bliss after going through the process of accepting it as true.