A man from West Virginia USA Chuck Yeager was the first man to break the sound barrier in a plane in the United States.
Mahatma Gandhi studied where I studied.
I live in the same city where Father Flanigans Boys town is located. My ex husband grew up there.
It’s also the same city where the famous multi billionaire investor and philanthropist Warren Buffett chooses to live and has lived most all his life. He loves it here and so do I.
I live in the city where they filmed Back to the Future (the original!). Specifically where Doc and Marty take the DeLorean to the past. In the movie, it’s called Twin Pines Mall. In real life, it’s the Puente Hills Mall.
I live in a town named in the local dialect as “ Land of the Carpet Snake”- lots changed with settlement but you see the odd one in suburbia!
My hometown is home to the world’s largest beer company and a very old University.
In my lifetime we’ve had just about every type of weather one can have.
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