What percentage do you care about life

From 0 to 100 percent


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Even when you suffer alot ?

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Yes. Even when I suffer, I am still here. There is still hope.


But the hopes are unrealistic

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What do you hope?

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I hope to be happy

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Do something that makes you happy

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I cannot do that . That’s why I suffer

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Maybe it’s just a bad day

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i care a hundred percent.

even if i suffered i’d still care about life. i’d care to not suffer. and i’d care for everyone else to be happy too.

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All days are bad

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But are some days better than others?

Maybe 40%. I’m pretty indifferent about life right now.

100%, life is important and precious.

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1% because of the smokes and the sugar and the fatty unhealthy food. 2% because of internet and those computer things.

100% I am not depressed.


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