What part of the human anatomy catches your eye the most?

Dont get me wrong I find lots of things attractive in a person but the honest answer is I have an animalistic drive for hindes.

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they say the eyes are the window to the soul . I think with us guys its always the first thing that “gets” us on a non ‘superficial’ level. Smiles always great too, but eyes say a lot.


I’ve heard of that before. One of my ex-gf’s was all into my hands, I never got it. But to each their own :grinning:

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I think part of it might be the fact my father has two missing fingers he accidentally sawed off as a teen. I don’t mind all deformities, but if a guy has deformed fingers I can’t be with them. It’s ptsd I think.

But I do love a man’s hands. I like how large they are, and if they’re rough, and have been worked with, the better.


Eyes and smile… hands


I like a nice pair of legs, that come together to make a perfect ass of themselves :wink:

Eyes and smile :heart:


I’m a sophisticated man, so what I usually notice first on a woman is her breasts.

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Butt and boobs. But if you want a more family friendly answer… hair. Really good hair is a huge deal!

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