What news do you follow

I follow the following

The Guardian UK
Al Jazeera World
The New York Times
The Economist
RT (Russia Today)

Yes, I’m a bit of a news nerd


I follow dozens of news agencies on Facebook. Conservative and Liberal sources. Too many people are ideological and only follow what fits their beliefs, and the algorithms just give them more of that, it becomes a closed feedback loop. Open your mind to different opinions, sometimes you’ll change your mind. I want a well balanced informed view of the world from all sides.


I don’t follow any news🤷‍♀️


I watch the NBC News (USA) every evening. I read the Washington Post. I am interested in the news.

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None. I get too impassioned when it comes to politics. I’ve learned to stay away for my emotional health.


Theres a few people I follow on twitter that talk about topics that interest me. I will pretty much never rely on mainstream press to keep me informed about world and national affairs. I just feel like their is too much bias about what stories get mentioned and what doesnt get reported.


Sometimes I watch cbsn app, most news I get from memes on reddit lol.

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I like Full House

and Cheers, where everybody knows your name.


I get the cheers theme song stuck in my head all the effing time. It’s the worst lol


On streaming I watch Cnn , Fox news, and msnbc. I occasionally watch the news on NBC and ABC on the television also.


No ■■■■. Me too. I love and hate it. It makes you want to watch the show. Ugh! Maybe Baywatch could have taken a note or two on theme songs.


I follow Google news and the ones in Chrome. Also a local news TV channel app but I turned off its notifications as its triggering sometimes like horrible crimes.

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My father watches that, also Al Mayadeen for arabic news. I sometimes watch with him for a bit.

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National public radio (NPR), cnn, associated press, and smart news


I avoid most news streams but get most of mine off ninemsn…so one of our national networks web offering. It’s mostly rubbish journalism but the paper we get these days is worse. I see the same internet articles repeated in the paper two days later…I’d like a good one but I refuse to pay for news so most of mine is off the radio and national network.

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Yeah RT is great for a different perspective on things - you have to remember it’s Russia State Sponsored so can be a lot of propaganda


I`ve never found news interesting. But I guess it´s like a hobby…

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Fox news, CNN, and maybe some small out lets for boredom and entertainment.


i haven’t watched news in a few weeks. now that i got rid of my television im out of the loop. i used to watch erin burnett on cnn at 7pm and anderson cooper at 8pm. sometimes i would stay up later. and some days i used to listen to talk radio which was conservative. now i will just get my news from the internet, i just read headlines, never read the articles, as i don’t want that drivel in my head haha. i just want to have a sense of what’s going on, without knowing too much.


I follow MSNBC news and CNN. I also watch CCTV4中文国际 & CCTV13新闻