What my "voices" are like

I think medication has helped, therapy and mindfulness. developing and integrating my thoughts more connected with a moral allignment, not defining them as black or white or situations as absolute. In meditation you let thoughts clear and pass through you, learn to meditate and not think, non-thinking or quieting the mind, inner peace and stillness is like heaven.

As I cultivate my inner awareness and expand my external realization, judgement and discernment–I have noticed the internal voices have evolved as well. This is what one of my therapists called neuroplasticity, and I think I originally misinterpreted it as me being infallible or needing to be perfect or stop taking meds. Now I realize that it is a growing and learning process and that I need to be patient and analyze why I heard this voice.

the voice comes from my subconscious mind, its a sort of inner or higher wisdom, instinctive based on passed experiences. Today it was a response to my idea or intention to go back to a self-destructive and dangerous behavior pattern. It kept revealing me the reasons why I should not visit this person and that i would regret it, and when you ignore this intuition it will end up proving itself over time sometimes. I think that if we learn to see this and heal the process we can re-program and re-focus resolve our own inner dilemmas or trauma from abuse over time. Never ignore your inner self thats what i think. But sometimes its ok to challenge an intrusive thought, and I dont get them very often, But i am getting them lately as a response to stress or warning of danger or the possibility of a dangerous event.

I dont claim to be psychic, or know everything, but I do have a pretty good memory and I pay attention to my dreams. I think dreams are ways the mind organizes and synthesizes information or patterns have been played out in conscious or waking life. The subconcious is the waking voice fear-based or fight or flight type thing…some people have had such severe trauma that their subconscious mind is stuck or their minds compensate, fracture or split apart their roles. I think schizophrenia is both bio-chemical, reactive to environment, and a dilemma of processing conciousness.

We need to remember that we are all conscious human beings, and that the mind is a conscious aspect of the brain body connection.

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