What movies are a must watch for you?

I did not either until I saw it on Netflix, it was such a good one, it should sparks the flame of freedom in every person who don’t have it

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I have issues with thinking the gov is using mind control. Maybe it wouldn’t be healthy.

I am glad you have such a big insight, if you think you will get triggered better to stay away.

I skipped a lot of good ones because of this.

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Any submarine movie like Das Boot

Passion of the Chr***
Peaceful Warrior


Matt Damon was in a really good movie called Syriana

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My daughter and I used to watch Shirley Temple movies.

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Shirley Temple is a really good drink. I’ve never seen her movies.

The Passion was a very hard movie to watch

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What do you mean?

Are you looking forward to the sequel to Split and Unbreakable @ThePickinSkunk. At the end of the movie when they were those movies were tied together I was pretty surprised.

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Shirley Temple is Ginger Ale and Grendine. It’s really good.

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Oh yes. The sequel to Split should be a killer watch. I’m also looking forward to the sequel to Titanic.

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Was there a video camera watching the old lady throw the necklace into the ocean? Is there a trial? Was it a joke? I’m no good with those.

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Yes @TheBest I’m just pulling your leg. If I have to sit through another three hour movie I’d be very very irritated.

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So those movies you listed are the least ones you’d want to watch? Edit don’t pay attention to me I’m just an idiot.

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Nah. You’re not an idiot. I’ve enjoyed this thread.

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Thanks @ThePickinSkunk. I wish I was better at humor. It takes a smart person to crack a joke.

an american tale

the brave little toaster

air bud


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I think I’ve seen brave little toaster 20 times with my son when he was young


I’m feeling a need to re-watch Das Boot. Incredible film.