What make you feel content about yourself in general?

People should feel content about themselves in general.
What make you feel that way?

Maybe your goals and values?
Maybe your achievement and accomplishment?

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A great deal of contentment for me comes from not living in total darkness anymore. I spent decades mired in my own dark thoughts and suffering. It’s not all roses these days, but there is light.


I feel content about myself when I think of God’s blessings in my life (like food, clothes and money and a house and car, and also the beach and mountains, etc) and when I pray or read Qur’an. And sometimes when my husband expresses his love for me.

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I’ve been feeing content due to finally feeling like a functional human being.

Now that people can SEE that I’ve been trying to be more self-preserving and more diligent with self care… I don’t get treated like a bystander in my own life. Having a little self power / control over my day… has helped me feel content.

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I feel content but I seek for improvement,like being more positive,more thankful to what life has offer and trying to be less envious and comparing

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