I’m going through a rough time which unfortunately happens way to frequently. I’ve been extremely depressed about my situation with this disease. I just hit 10 years with it so I’ve spent 1/3 of my life now in what feels like hell. I guess I’m just looking for words encouragement or maybe some advice. What do you do when things are bad?
Sleep. Go to bed early. Every morning you wake up is a new day.
They get bad a lot. I just keep doing what I usually do. Surf the internet or go out to eat or for a drive or sometimes to the park or over my sisters. Or clean. Or I’ve been cooking a lot lately. Or homework. @TomCat is right, every day is a new day, I might feel bad but there’s always a chance I’ll feel good.
41 years here.
there are no easy answers. when I was 10 years in, my primary focus was to find a suitable job. i knew if i could just throw my focus to something that wasn’t about the disease, i could at least distract myself to the crap that was happening in my head. 10 years later, i work part-time, go to the gym regularly, and am trying to go back to school. it’s cliche to say it gets better with time, but it does. sometimes at a snail’s pace.
Excercise, take medications regularly, sleep early and basicaly try to engage in meaningful activities and self-care. I assume you have a psychologist already.
Music. Non-judgemental, and I feel the pain of many artists who express theirs…
Not that they have a choice, but it breaks me from my loneliness being able to hear others, and relate so heavily to music in the way that I do
Since I have a music streaming service, my scope of music has increased greatly, as I can download anything and it doesn’t cost me £10 an album for something I might not like…
Keeping busy and taking care of my GF and cat.
I have noticed that as time went on, things got better and better.
Always take your meds as directed.
Avoid drugs and alcohol, or at least practice moderation.
I keep remember my visual hallucinations when bad things happen.
music and movies =D
I try and keep a positive routine of stuff I do every day. Morning with coffee, put on nicotine patch, take a shower. Then make lunch, movies, music, stretching etc. writing or journals at night.
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