Well, I drive around for no reason what so ever, I smoke cigarettes, I also talk on the phone.
Not a lot really. It doesn’t take much for my mood to plummet and suicide is on the table. I get really low - especially at the weekends when I have no work to occupy me
Music is about the only thing that inspires me.
Giving up is not an option for me. I’ve been suicidal often, though. I still sometimes think of offing myself, but I keep plugging away.
It’s baseball cards for me. I frequently review my 5,000 card collection of 1991-1994 Donruss baseball cards.
That and a healthy lifestyle
I like movie memorabilia, but it’s not the cheapest of hobbies.
My collection is mainly statues of LOTR characters, but I also collect framed film cells, and cool Sci-Fi posters.
Recently I lost interest in watching films.
I used to have a couple shoeboxes full of baseball cards, but they were stolen in a burglary. The burglars didn’t see my binder full of my best cards, though.
I remember you got robbed a whole ago and someone went through your pantry and stole you’re food?
Hope your in a district with less crime now
Yeah there were 4 burglaries, in 2017-2019. I live out in the country now, low crime.
What was so shitty about the baseball cards being stolen is that I had them since I was a kid, started collecting them in the late 80s. I held onto my cards all those years, only to have them stolen by some piece of ghetto trash.
IDK, I just don’t give up.
My belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.
my parents mostly =)
If I didn’t have my parents i dunno what i would do, they keep me going.
My gal, her son , and little things in life keep me going.
God and my family (sister, brothers, parents, nieces, nephew).
I have little joys throughout my days and or weeks that keep me from going in a dark hole.
It’s kind of instinct not to give up for me. I get a feeling that things will get better and also I feel like a fighter; I like to think that I’ve been through the worst of it now, But in all honesty, I don’t know about all of this. Except for that I have a drive not to give up. If that will change, I don’t know.
Life has returned to a livable state for me, since the rough years. It’s not as great as before I was sick but it’s doable.
I think my ability to smoke cigarettes keeps me kind of alive. I don’t know how long it takes till I’m dead. Like anybody doesn’t know it. There’s not much more to get me out of bed.
My dad needs me
That things will get better and to have patience.
My family mostly